Foreign buyers have become a support for the weakened housing market, six years after the bursting of the bubble remains in the doldrums . According to data published Monday the school registrar , the purchases made by foreigners continuously increased during 2013 to over 11.25 % of all transactions , which in turn fell again , although less than in previous years . With this, the number of purchases carried out by foreigners has almost tripled since the 2009 lows
The most active among the foreigners were the British, who accounted for 15% of all purchases. Then the French were placed, with 9.84%. The Russians, who meet the community benefit over the government’s decision to grant a residence permit in exchange for purchasing a property, were the third to be responsible for the 8.58% of transactions.
Director of Institutional Relations of the Association of Registrars, Beatriz Corredor, has acknowledged that these figures are “much higher percentages of home buying by foreigners before the crisis.” According added, there is “upward trend” in a market which in 2012 represented only 8.12%. The profile, she explained, is the second-home seekers, primarily “nature tourism” and in the coast
Corredor currently has targeted the market segment that is moving more is one that gathers funds and resources to individuals and families who are interested in high-value properties with a price that is perceived as sufficiently tight. This could be one of the factors that has made rebounding average house prices in recent months, been considered as potential buyers of lower-value properties currently no economic capacity
David Lorenzo-Spanish Lawyer UK
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